Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Weightloss week 12

Weightloss wednesday - the last one!

Wow, well today is the last day. Can you believe its been 3 months since we started this journey together? Some of us have had great success, we worked hard and achieved our goal of losing 5 kilos, maybe a bit less or maybe a bit more, but we are better off and healthier for it.

We had winners along the way, LG and Beckie and we still have to announce the winner of the stamps prize for the best layout today.

And the winner is:


Woohoo - congratulations!  Your prize will be on its way shortly. Your layout is beautiful, we loved the swirl in it that caught our eye. Have a look everyone, here in the gallery.

OK, so this is the last time we will record our weightloss.  How did you go this week? Leave your final link below.

We hope that everyone has learned something along the way, made some new friends and of course, lost some weight. And Karen and I wish wish you all the very best with any further weightloss you want to achieve. We thankyou for your encouragement for us also along the way in achieving our own 5 kilo loss goals.  We are really happy we did this.

Big hugs from Karen & I.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Weightloss week 11


OK, so here we are at week 11 and today is weightloss wednesday whose lost this week? I know it might have been a bit hard with the Easter bunny coming but wasn't Dale's tip so timely?

SO, this week, tell us how much you have lost to date as well as any weekly weightloss & let's see who has lost the most so far...

Here's the tally:
(I'll update this as everyone leaves their link).

Dale T:

Chris F: 2.3 kgs





Who else?

 If you'd like to be on the running for the stamp set valused at $45, don't forget to email me your layout. So far, we've got Dales and Beckie's entry in the gallery. I'm working on mine.

Leave you link below.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Nerrida's weekly tip 2

Nerrida's Tip.

TIP:  Understand the labels.

A product labelled with a fat-free claim does not mean that it is low in calories. Similarly a product labelled as low-sugar or low-carb does not mean it is low in fat or calories. Always read the nutrition label on the packaging. Anything with more than about 20 grams of sugar is not good, in fact I never go over 15grams. Check out some of those 'healthy' yoghurts.....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Weightloss week 10

Weightloss Wednesday!

ONLY 2 WEEKS TO GO! ...before the competition ends and the very last prize of some scrumptious Websters Pages 'Spring Market' is up for grabs.  Who will lose the most in this last 4 weeks?

Tell us how much you have lost in the last 2 weeks in total so we can see if you're in the running for the prize.


What's your mini goal?

Leave your link to your blog post below.